Wood Sign Making (For Hobby or Profit)

Wood Sign Making

Course Hours: 
Course Type: 
Mentor Supported

Have you ever wanted to learn how to create wooden signs?  If so, then this course is for you.  Even if you have zero drawing or woodworking skill, this course will provide the necessary knowledge you need to get started. It is designed to provide the foundational knowledge needed to effectively grow and create signs that you will love and even sell if you’d like. You may think that you do not have the skills necessary right now, but with proper training and practice, you will be able to create nice signs better that you thought possible.  It takes time, perseverance, and a will to learn.

You are taken through the basics first, and you slowly build on what you’ve learned, one step at a time, before moving on.  The first few modules actually go over some basic drawing skills. You will navigate through the course with both reading content and videos. The videos are instructor led, meaning that as a particular lesson is taught, you will follow along with the instructor who is reading the lesson aloud and instructing.  When it is time for the actual physical part of the lesson, the instructor will show you exactly how to draw or do whatever that lesson is about.  You can pause the videos as needed and repeat whatever part you want.

There are no set times to log in.  We recommend one module per week to allow for practice and review in between modules, but it is entirely up to you the rate at which you progress through the course.


*This course is not intended for children, as some of the tools would need adult supervision to use.

** Course Subject to Change.

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Understand a few aspects of the fundamentals of drawing
  • Implement those fundamentals into creating wooden signs
  • Understand the process of gathering materials
  • Be able to effectively turn your wood pieces into works of art through various techniques
  • Understand how to paint and stain the wood
  • Properly store you wood pieces
  • Understand letters and shapes and how they pertain to your wooden sign designs
  • Know how to accent your signs
  • Learn how to be able to sell your signs online or in local stores
  • Know the importance of proper and accurate record keeping



      Read This First

Module 1: Drawing Fundamentals

     Lesson 1: How to Hold the Pencil

     Lesson 2: Basic Exercises

     Lesson 3: Markers and Pens

Module 2: Wood Gathering and Preparation

     Lesson 1: Introduction to Wood

     Lesson 2: Skid Dismantling

     Lesson 3: Wood Surface

     Lesson 4: Painting and Staining Your Wood

     Lesson 5: Storing Your Wood

Module 3: Creating Your Signs

     Lesson 1: Introduction to Letters

     Lesson 2: Drawing Letters and Images

     Lesson 3: Accenting Your Signs

     Lesson 4: Vinyl and Stenciling

Module 4: Marketing

     Lesson 1: How to Sell Your Signs to Stores

     Lesson 2: Online Platforms

     Lesson 3: Record Keeping

Certificate of Completion upon successful completion of the course.

Required/Recommended Materials: 

Below are the materials that will suffice for this course if you want to actually do the things described in the course.  If you simply want to take the course just to learn and not put anything into practice during the course, no materials are necessary to do just that.

  • Wood (skid wood)
  • Hand saw*
  • Hammer
  • Sandpaper (80 grit will suffice)
  • Paint (1 quart if plenty)
    • latex or oil paint (any color that you want your signs to be)
  • A few rags
  • A few Posca paint pens or Sharpie Paint Pens (also called paint markers)
  • Regular #2 pencil
  • Tape measure
  • Utility knife (also known as, and commonly called a razor blade)
  • Safety Glasses

*If you have (or can borrow) a Miter saw, it will be easier to make cuts than a hand saw.

Internet Connection

  • Broadband or High-Speed - DSL, Cable, and Wireless Connections

*Dial-Up internet connections will result in a diminished online experience. Classroom pages may load slowly and viewing large audio and video files may not be possible.

Hardware Requirements

  • Processor - 2GHz Processor or Higher
  • Memory - 1 GB RAM Minimum Recommended


PC Software Requirements

  • Operating Systems - Windows 7 or higher
  • Microsoft Office 2013 or higher. Also, you could use a general Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
  • Internet Browsers - Google Chrome is highly recommended
    • Cookies MUST be enabled
    • Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
  • The Kindle Reader App or VitalSource Bookshelf App are needed for many of our courses (No special equipment needed. This can be downloaded for FREE onto your computer.)
  • PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
  • Adobe PDF Reader
  • QuickTime, Windows Media Player &/or Real Player


MAC Software Requirements

  • Operating Systems - Mac OS x 10 or higher with Windows
  • Mac office programs or a Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
  • Internet Browsers- Google Chrome is highly recommended
    • Cookies MUST be enabled
    • Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
  • The Kindle Reader App or VitalSource Bookshelf App are needed for many of our courses (No special equipment needed. This can be downloaded for FREE onto your computer.)
  • PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
  • Adobe PDF Reader
  • Apple QuickTime Media Player