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Our Complete Career Training Programs (CCTP) include both the training you need and the skills you will want in order to be prepared for your new career. We have taken online career programs to a whole new level by bundling our Career Training with Personal Enrichment courses to ensure you have a diversified learning experience.
Our mentor-supported career courses focus on the industry standards that prepare you for your chosen career or certification. You will also get our smaller, four-week long, instructor-led personal enrichment courses to further your employment training.
Sign up today for this all-inclusive career training program!
Principles of Marketing
As consumers, we each experience what could be marketing case studies every day. We are exposed to thousands of advertising messages. We develop needs, research solutions, evaluate options, make purchases, and experience satisfaction or disappointment. This makes marketing a particularly stimulating subject for teachers and learners since its practical application is visible every day. Old rules of marketing are no longer useful to those who want to influence these new consumer’s choices. Our Principles of Marketing course introduces students to the concepts and processes of marketing and takes them deeper into the work of marketing.
Prerequisite: None
Business Management
Management issues are fundamental to any organization: How do we plan to get things done, organize the company to be efficient and effective, lead and motivate employees, and put controls in place to make sure our plans are followed and our goals are met? Good management is essential to starting a business, growing a business, and maintaining a business once it has achieved some measure of success. This Business Management course will help you understand how to be a better manager through planning, decision making, motivating, leading, and communicating more effectively.
Prerequisite: None
Technical Writing
Technical Writing is a career that offers a variety of writing possibilities. Our Technical Writing course focuses on a reader-centered approach and helps students understand the nature of writing in the workplace. It leads students through the process of creating highly effective letters, proposals, emails, memos, documentation, and reports. Students will learn how to conduct research and appropriately cite sources. Guidelines for persuasive writing and strategies for maintaining readers’ attention are also discussed. Take our Technical Writing course and learn the skills and knowledge you need to start your writing career today!
Prerequisite(s): None
Project Management Fundamentals
In a professional setting, chances are all of us have been asked to manage projects, whether large or small in scope. Our Project Management Fundamentals course provides a solid basis for individuals who would like to understand the field of project management and the concepts used to successfully deliver projects. We cover the “big picture” by developing project objectives, analyzing appropriate timelines and organization and roles and responsibilities of participants and stakeholders. After taking this course, students will be prepared to discover concepts, tools and ways to manage projects to achieve positive outcomes.
Marketing & PR
Marketing and PR – when it comes to marketing in business, knowing about money isn’t the only aspect. In our course we will teach you the marketing tricks of big business and you will learn how to apply them to your brand or small business. The rules of marketing and strategies explored in our course will teach you about the pioneering of future marketing as well as a step-by-step action plan for using these marketing techniques to effectively communicate with buyers directly, raise visibility, and increase sales.
We will take the latest social media tools and marketing trends and apply them to real-life examples in your business to equal success. In our course, you will build skills in each lesson and master cost-effective marketing strategies.
Whether you're new to advertising or looking for a refresher, this course will make you marketing pro. And by the time you're done, you'll have a personalized plan of action for increasing your sales—all on a shoestring budget.
This course is not only for business owners! In our course you will learn resources for entrepreneurs, business owners, nonprofit managers as well as those working in marketing or publicity departments to help you build a marketing and PR strategy to grow any business.
** Course Subject to Change.
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Type quickly and correctly
- Identify the transcription format for civil litigation
- Identify the transcription format for probates
- Identify the transcription format for family law
- Identify the transcription format for legal instruments
Principles of Marketing
After completing this course you should be able to:
- Identify the marketing process and how it fits into business operations
- Differentiate between categories of consumer criteria for determining value
- Recall the strategies used within each of the marketing mixes
- Recognize how to identify target markets and environments by analyzing demographics and consumer behavior
- Describe best practices for responsible marketing and how to manage marketing efforts
Business Management
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Recognize the various roles of managers and types of business management
- Identify the fundamentals of managing and organizing environments
- Recall methods of communication, working in groups, and stages of leadership
- Discuss the basics of entrepreneurship and SWOT analysis
- Differentiate between multiple leadership styles and ways of managing individuals
Technical Writing
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify the characteristics and guidelines of technical writing
- List the strategies for analyzing your readers and meeting their needs
- Recall the steps for conducting research and preparing for technical writing
- Recognize methods for developing document style, voice, and design elements
- Identify strategies for reviewing drafts and managing projects
Project Management Fundamentals
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Define project management, a project manager’s role and ways to successfully achieve results
- Identify the principles of risk management and work breakdown structure
- Recall how to develop and motivate a team and also identify proper communication methods
- Recognize the principles of earned value management and ways to take your project to the next level
Marketing & PR
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Identify how the web has changed the rules of Marketing and PR
- Recall your marketing options and how to build a marketing and PR plan
- Recognize the basics of mobile and web marketing
- Identify the importance of news releases and search engine marketing
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Marketing Module 1
Marketing Fundamentals
- What is Marketing and Value
- The History of Marketing
- Who Does Marketing?
- Delivering Customer Value
- Marketing Benefits Society
- The Value Proposition
- Strategic Planning
- Developing Organizational Objectives
- Strategic Portfolio Planning
Principles of Marketing Module 2
Consumer and Business Buying Behavior
- Factors that Influence Consumers’ Buying Behavior
- Stages in the Buying Process
- The Marketing Process: Crucial to Business Operations
- Situation Analysis
- Characteristics of Business to Business Markets
- B2B E-Commerce and Social Media Marketing
- International B2B Markets and Ethics in B2B Markets
Principles of Marketing Module 3
Market Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning
- Targeted Marketing VS. Mass Marketing
- Segmenting and Targeting
- How Markets are Segmented
- Segmenting by Demographics
- Segmenting by Geography
- Selecting Target Markets
- Choosing Number of Markets to Target
- Positioning and Repositioning Offerings
Principles of Marketing Module 4
Product and Service Decisions
- What Comprises an Offering?
- Product, Price, and Service
- Product-Dominant Approach
- Service-Dominant Approach
- Types of Consumer Offerings
- Types of Business-to-Business Offerings
- Branding, Labeling, and Packaging
Principles of Marketing Module 5
Offerings and Marketing Channels
- New Offering Development Process
- Managing Products over the Course of the Product Life Cycle
- Marketing Channels and Channel Partners
- Typical Marketing Channels
- Functions Performed by Channel Partners
- Distribution
- Managing Inventory
- Marketing Channel Strategies
- Channel Dynamics
Principles of Marketing Module 6
Supply Chains
- Outsourcing and Offshoring
- Sourcing Strategies
- Supply Chain
- Product Tracking
- Demand Planning
- Inventory Control
- Warehousing and Transportation
- Track and Trace Systems
Principles of Marketing Module 7
Integrated Marketing Communications
- Consumer Purchasing Behavior
- Marketing Information Systems
- Marketing Research and Market Intelligence
- Integrated Marketing Communications
- Promotion (Communication) Mix
- Communication Process
- Message Strategies
- Advertising and Direct Marketing
- Public Relations
Principles of Marketing Module 8
Digital Marketing and Professional Selling
- Technological Factors
- Email Marketing
- E-Commerce Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Mobile Marketing
- Professional Selling
- Sales Metrics
- Ethics in Sales and Sales Management
- Outsourcing the Sales Function
Principles of Marketing Module 9
Customer Satisfaction and Price
- Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Empowerment
- Ethics, Laws, and Customer Empowerment
- Pricing Framework
- Firm’s Pricing Objectives
- Factors that Affect Pricing Decisions
- Pricing Strategies
- Product Costs
- Price Adjustments
Principles of Marketing Module 10
The Marketing Plan
- Marketing Planning Roles
- Functions of a Marketing Plan
- Budget
- Forecasting
- Ongoing Marketing Planning and Evaluation
- The Marketing Audit
- Basic Principles of Marketing: Putting It All Together
**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**
Business Management
Business Management Module 1
Managerial Decision Making
- What Do Managers Do?
- The Roles Managers Play
- Major Management Characteristics
- Overview of Managerial Decision Making
- Reflective and Reactive Systems
- Programmed and Nonprogrammed Decisions
- Barriers to Effective Decision Making
- Improving the Quality of Decision Making
- Group Decision Making
Business Management Module 2
The History of Management
- The Early Origins of Management
- The Italian Renaissance
- The Industrial Revolution
- Taylor-Made Management
- Administrative and Bureaucratic Management
- Human Relations Movement
- Contingency and System Management
Business Management Module 3
Corporate Culture and Ethics
- Organization’s External Environment
- External Environments and Industries
- Organizational Designs and Structures
- Internal Organization and External Environments
- Corporate Cultures
- Ethics and Business Ethics Defined
- Dimensions of Ethics
- Ethical Principles and Responsible Decision Making
- Leadership
- Corporate Culture and Compliance
- Corporate Social Responsibility
Business Management Module 4
International Management
- Importance of International Management
- Hofstede’s Cultural Framework
- The GLOBE Framework
- Cultural Stereotyping
- Cross-Cultural Assignments
- Strategies for Expanding Globally
- Necessity of Global Markets
Business Management Module 5
- Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs
- Small Business
- Start Your Own Business
- Managing a Small Business
- Large Impact of Small Business
- Small Business Administration
- Trends in Entrepreneurship and Business Ownership
Business Management Module 6
Strategic Analysis
- Understanding the Competitive Environment
- SWOT for Strategic Analysis
- External Macro Environment
- Micro Environment
- Competition, Strategy, and Competitive Advantage
- Strategic Positioning
Business Management Module 7
Strategic Management Process
- Firm Mission and Vision
- The Role of Strategic Analysis in Formulating a Strategy
- Strategic Objectives
- Levels of Strategy
- Measuring and Evaluating Strategic Performance
- Organizational Structures and Design
- Organizational Change
- Managing Change
Business Management Module 8
Human Resource Management
- Human Resource Management and Compliance
- Performance Management
- Influencing Employee Performance and Motivation
- Building an Organization for the Future
- Talent Development
- Succession Planning
Business Management Module 9
Diversity in Organizations
- Introduction to Workplace Diversity
- Diversity and the Workforce
- Diversity and Its Impact on Companies
- Challenges of Diversity
- Key Diversity Theories
- Benefits and Challenges of Workplace Diversity
- Recommendations for Managing Diversity
Business Management Module 10
Leadership and Motivation
- The Leadership Process
- Types of Leaders
- The Trait Approach to Leadership
- Behavioral Approaches to Leadership
- Situational Approaches to Leadership
- Work Motivation for Performance
- Content and Process Theories of Motivation
- Research on Motivation Theories
Business Management Module 11
Managerial Communication and Teamwork
- Teamwork in the Workplace
- Team Development Over Time
- Opportunities and Challenges to Team Building
- Team Diversity
- Multicultural Teams
- Process of Managerial Communication
- Types of Communications in Organizations
- Managerial Communication and Corporate Reputation
Business Management Module 12
Planning, Controlling, and Management of Technology
- The Planning Process
- Types of Plans
- Goals or Outcome Statements
- Employees’ Responses to Planning
- Management by Objectives
- Developing Technology and Innovation
- External and Internal Sources
- Management Entrepreneurship Skills
**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**
Technical Writing
Technical Writing Module 1
Introduction to Technical Writing
- Characteristics of Workplace Writing
- Usefulness and Persuasiveness
- Reader-Centered Strategies
- Interaction Between Your Communication and Your Readers
- Communicating Ethically
- How to Write an Effective Resume
- Creating a Professional Portfolio
- Writing an Effective Application Letter
- Defining Your Communication Goals
- Stakeholder Ethics
Technical Writing Module 2
Conducting Research
- Conduct Focused Research
- Evidence-Based Analyses
- Evidence-Based Recommendations
- Intellectual Property Law and Documenting Sources
- Exploring Your Own Memory and Creativity
- Searching the Internet
- Using Social Media
- Using the Library
- Interviewing
- Reader-Centered Communications
Technical Writing Module 3
Drafting Reader-Centered Communications
- Similarities among Paragraphs, Sections, Chapters, and Short Communications
- Starting Segments
- Clear, Coherent, and Persuasive Segments
- Reader’s Cultural Background
- Grouping Items Formally and Informally
- Comparing Alternatives
- Partitioning, Segmenting, Cause and Effect Relationships
- Persuading Your Readers
Technical Writing Module 4
Professional Style and Graphics
- Create an Effective, Professional Voice
- Convey Meaning Clearly and Precisely
- How to Plan Front and Back Matter
- Transmittal Letters
- Graphics and Communication Effectiveness
- Use Color to Support Your Message
- Graphics Software
- Use Graphics Ethically
Technical Writing Module 5
Design Elements of Communication
- Reader-Centered Graphics
- How Communication is Organized
- Visual Organizers
- Word Processors to Create Page Designs
- The Three Activities of Revising
- Identify Ways to Improve Your Draft
Technical Writing Module 6
Applications of the Reader-Centered Approach
- The Logic of Testing
- Testing Draft’s Usefulness
- Creating Communications with a Team
- Varieties of Team Structure
- Team Goals and Procedures
- Creating and Delivering Listener-Centered Oral Presentations
- Selecting Oral and Visual Media
- Maintain Listener’s Attention and Goodwill
Technical Writing Module 7
Types of Projects and Documents
- Project Management and Client Communication
- Creating Reader-Centered Websites and Professional Portfolios
- Useful, Persuasive Content
- Designing Websites for Diverse Readers
- Ethical and Legal Practices for Website Content
- Writing Reader-Centered Correspondence: Letters, Memos, and Emails
- Level of Formality
Technical Writing Module 8
Social Media, Proposals and Empirical Research Reports
- Writing Effectively on Social Media
- Ethical Guidelines for Using Social Media
- Proposal-Writing Situations
- How Readers Use and Evaluate Proposals
- Superstructure for Proposals
- Crafting the Major Elements of a Proposal
Technical Writing Module 9
Feasibility, Progress Reports, and Instructions
- Superstructure for Feasibility Reports
- Research and Organization for Feasibility Reports
- Typical Writing Situations
- Reader’s Concern with the Future
- Superstructure for Progress Reports
- Tone in Progress Reports
- Superstructure for Instructions
- Crafting Major Elements of Instructions
**Outlines are subject to change, as courses and materials are updated.**
Project Management Fundamentals
Project Management Fundamentals Module 1
The Key to Achieving Results
A project is a temporary undertaking performed to produce a unique product, service, or result. In module one, we will explore the basics of what makes a project, we will define the project’s audience and we will determine typical project constraints. Understanding how your project fits the bigger picture is very important, as well as identifying the scope of the project.
- What Makes a Project a Project?
- Project Manager’s Role
- Project’s Audience – Drivers, Supporters and Observers
- Project Constraints
- Work Breakdown Structure
- Network Diagram
Project Management Fundamentals Module 2
Determining When and How Much
In this module, we will decide what skills and knowledge team members must have in order to further develop a project. We will also discuss team members’ roles and responsibilities, how to delegate assignments and effective management techniques. In addition to clearly defined objectives, a workable schedule, and adequate resources, a successful project needs sufficient funds to support the required resources.
- Project Commitment
- Developing the Budget
- Defining Risk and Risk Management
- Organizational Environments
- Team Members’ Roles and Responsibilities
Project Management Fundamentals Module 3
Managing Your Project to Success
Successful projects require continued care and management to ensure that they follow their plans correctly and, in turn, produce the desired results. In module three we will discuss how to maintain a communications plan and how to keep team members motivated. Developing your own management skills is vitally important, so this week we will identify traits of an effective leader and work to improve your ability to influence your project team.
- Developing a Team
- Tracking Progress and Maintaining Control
- Project Communication
- Differences Between Leadership and Management
- Team Member Motivation
Project Management Fundamentals Module 4
Taking Your Project to the Next Level
A major part of project management is information: getting it, storing it, analyzing it, and sharing it. In this final module, we will explore ways to use technology and social media to take your project to the next level. We will define Earned Value Management in order to identify potential problems in your project. Finally, tips and tricks for becoming a better project manager are examined.
- Using Technology
- Using Social Media
- Earned Value Management
- Ten Questions to Ask Yourself as You Plan Your Project
- Ten Tips for Being a Better Project Manager
Marketing & PR
Marketing & PR Module 1
How the Web Has Changed the Rules of Marketing/PR and Web-based Communications to Reach Your Buyers Directly
In module one we will be discussing how the old rules of Marketing & PR have changed and what this means for us today. The new rules of Marketing & PR will be introduced and we will apply them to how we can reach potential buyers and current clients directly. Social media will also be looked at this week as well as the various other forms of web-based communications.
- How the Old Rules of Marketing & PR are Ineffective
- The New Rules of Marketing & PR
- Social Media & Target Audience
- Content-Rich Website
- Audio & Video
Marketing & PR Module 2
Action Plan for Harnessing the Power of the New Rules
We will go more into depth in module two as we explore our marketing options and build our Marketing & PR plan. Some marketing efforts can be helpful to your business/brand, but others can be harmful. This is why we must develop a plan and analyze it. In addition, we’ll learn why it is important to connect with buyers and what keeps them coming back, all within the new rules of Marketing & PR.
- Marketing & PR in Real Time
- Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
- Building Your Marketing Plan
- Growing Your Business
- Strategies for Creating Awesome Content
Marketing & PR Module 3
Social Networking and Web Content for Marketing
In module three get ready to hit the web as we explore why having the right tools on your site matter for marketing. We will discuss all the areas that perhaps many don’t think they need; from blogging to videos, we will cover the in’s and outs of web content and how to use it when marketing your business or brand.
- Social Networking as Marketing
- Blogging to Reach Your Buyers
- Using Photographs as Marketing Tools
- Video and Podcasts
- News Releases
Marketing & PR Module 4
New Rules for Reaching the Media and Search Engine Marketing
In our final module, the news is where we will focus our time. I bet many don’t realize that there are a number of useful marketing tools just sitting in the news media. The web has changed the way we deliver the news and for PR professionals it is important to understand the basics of how news releases affect our business and brand if not done correctly. We will also focus some of our time in the world of Google and how PR professionals use this well-known site as the top in search engine optimization (SEO). We will close our course out with how to apply all we have learned and changing our mindset, facing our fears and getting the help you need to be successful.
- Newsroom: Reaching Reporters and Editors and Telling Your Story
- The New Rule for Media Relations
- Newsjacking for Media
- Search Engine Marketing and Optimization
- Managing Your Fears in Marketing & PR
Ed4Career is committed to being both environmentally conscious and making it easier for you to study! We’re making your education mobile! All of our textbooks are now provided as eTextbooks*. You can access them on your laptop, tablet, or mobile device and can study anytime, anywhere.
The move away from physical books to eTextbooks means you get the latest, most up-to-date version available. This also makes your training more accessible, so you can study anywhere you have your phone or tablet. The best part is that all materials are included in your training cost so there are NO extra fees for books!**
*A few courses still have physical materials.
Internet Connection
- Broadband or High-Speed - DSL, Cable, and Wireless Connections
*Dial-Up internet connections will result in a diminished online experience. Classroom pages may load slowly and viewing large audio and video files may not be possible.
Hardware Requirements
- Processor - 2GHz Processor or Higher
- Memory - 1 GB RAM Minimum Recommended
PC Software Requirements
- Operating Systems - Windows 7 or higher
- Microsoft Office 2013 or higher. Also, you could use a general Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
- Internet Browsers - Google Chrome is highly recommended
- Cookies MUST be enabled
- Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
- The Kindle Reader App or VitalSource Bookshelf App are needed for many of our courses (No special equipment needed. This can be downloaded for FREE onto your computer.)
- PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
- Adobe PDF Reader
- QuickTime, Windows Media Player &/or Real Player
MAC Software Requirements
- Operating Systems - Mac OS x 10 or higher with Windows
- Mac office programs or a Word Processing application to save and open Microsoft Office formats (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx)
- Internet Browsers- Google Chrome is highly recommended
- Cookies MUST be enabled
- Pop-ups MUST be allowed (Pop-up Blocker disabled)
- The Kindle Reader App or VitalSource Bookshelf App are needed for many of our courses (No special equipment needed. This can be downloaded for FREE onto your computer.)
- PowerPoint Viewer (if you do not have PowerPoint)
- Adobe PDF Reader
- Apple QuickTime Media Player